Early Tuesday, Chinese smartphone OEM Xiaomi unveiled its most ambitious smartphone ever, the Xiaomi Mi Mix. If you think smartphone design has stagnated, one look at this will tell you there is so much more that could be done with the familiar form factor. Xiaomi has created a phone with bezels so small it has a 91.3 percent screen-to-body ratio, which the company says is the "highest on any smartphone to date." That means it can fit a 6.4-inch screen in a body that has "similar dimensions" as the 5.5-inch iPhone 7 Plus.
The corners of the 6.4-inch "edgeless display" are actually round, which allows them to creep that much closer to the bezel. Xiaomi hasn't talked about its display technology or manufacturer, but we have to wonder if the company is using Sharp's "free form" IGZO technology. More display oddities: it has an 17:9 aspect ratio with a resolution of 2040×1080. This allows Xiaomi to fill out more of the phone with display, and—since this is Xiaomi's first device to use on-screen navigation buttons—gives a 16:9 display area for content. At 6.4", that's only 360 pixels per inch. 360ppi still qualifies for "retina display" density if you're Apple, but current-gen smartphones hit upwards of 500ppi.
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from Xiaomi blows minds with the Mi Mix, a nearly bezel-less smartphone
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