Tuesday 17 January 2017

NASA Is Making New Robots That Can Control Themselves

NASA wants humans and robots to work together as teams. To ensure that, the space agency’s autonomous robotics group is currently developing new technology to improve how humans explore the solar system, and how robots can help.

"We want to interact with autonomous systems. We want to be able to create systems that we can trust in all kinds of circumstances," said Terry Fong, senior scientist for autonomous systems at the NASA Ames Research Center, in a recent NASA Ames Youtube video on autonomous robots.

When NASA began working with remotely operated robots several years ago, Fong said the scientists needed a piece of software that would allow them to look at terrain and sensor data coming from autonomous robots. That led to the creation of VERVE, a "3D robot user interface," which allows scientists to see and grasp the three-dimensional world of remotely operated robots.

VERVE has been used with NASA's K10 planetary rovers (a prototype mobile robot that can travel bumpy terrain), with its K-Rex planetary rovers (robot to determine soil moisture), with SPHERES (Synchronized Position Hold, Engage, Reorient, Experimental Satellites) on the International Space Station (ISS), and with the new robot Astrobee (a robot that can fly around the ISS).

In 2013, NASA carried out a series of tests with astronauts on the ISS, during which astronauts who were flying 200 miles above Earth remotely operated the K10 planetary rover in California.

Because of time delay, astronauts can't just "joystick a robot," said Maria Bualat, deputy lead of intelligent robotics group at the NASA Ames Research Center. "You need a robot that can operate on its own, complete tasks on its own," she said.

"On the other hand, you still want the human in the loop, because the human brings a lot of experience and very powerful cognitive ability that can deal with issues that the autonomy's not quite ready to handle." That's why, according to NASA, human capabilities and robotic capabilities comprise a powerful combination.

The technology developed at NASA is used not only for astronauts. In fact, one of the goals at NASA is to transfer its technology to the commercial sector, such as supporting autonomous vehicles in partnership with Nissan. Applying its technology outside the space station, according to the video, NASA scientists can learn even more.

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from NASA Is Making New Robots That Can Control Themselves

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