Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Trump takes on “Crooked Hillary” with Snapchat geofilter

Want to make Snapchat great again? Donald Trump has given American users of the social media app that chance thanks to the service's first-ever nationwide "geofilter" ad campaign for a politician.

The ad rolled out to American Snapchat users today, just ahead of the 2016 presidential election's first major debate between Trump and Hillary Clinton (the debate starts tonight at 9pm EDT). The ad joins the usual geofilter available to Snapchat users, which usually list the name of a city or a nearby event as determined by GPS and time information.

As shown to the right (featuring me as its puzzled selfie star), the ad stamps a user's photo and video Snaps with a banner phrase reading "Donald J. Trump vs. Crooked Hillary," along with Trump's famed slogan and a note confirming that the candidate paid for the geofilter campaign.

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from Trump takes on “Crooked Hillary” with Snapchat geofilter

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